Interactive Parenting Children with ADHD Term 3 - July 2024 (incl. 6 x weekly Zooms)

6 Weeks to Less Stress and More Parenting Confidence!

Enroll for $449

This course, which is offered once each Term (4 x per year), differs from the Start Anytime course offered in that it includes 6 weekly group Zoom calls where you can discuss the week's modules and ask questions with myself and the other parents taking the course. Also included is an exclusive Facebook group where participants can further communicate and share ideas/ask questions. Otherwise the content is the same as the Start Anytime course.

Weekly Zoom calls will be on Fridays at 12.30pm starting from Friday 2nd August 2024 AEST.

The course has been developed specifically for those caring for children with ADHD.

The goal is to inform and empower you to work with your child to cope with the many challenges that come with ADHD by passing on practical, workable strategies that will make a difference in the lives of all family members.

The course environment promotes engagement through non-judgment, empathy and acceptance.

You’ll find greater empathy & understanding for your child’s perspective and with effective strategies on board you’ll increase confidence in your parenting skills.

This course ran face-to-face in Sydney until 2020, but creating this online version means more families can access these important resources!

You’ll learn…

  • To understand your ADHD child’s world
  • Why & how it affects your family
  • Reasons for challenging behaviours
  • Learn practical parenting strategies
  • How to work effectively & collaboratively with your child
  • How to create better routines & relationships
  • Collaborative and Proactive Solutions model
  • How to use rewards & consequences appropriately
  • How to manage challenging behaviour
  • Tools to help decrease stress & anxiety in your home
  • More about treatment options & medication
  • How to optimise sleep
  • How to work with your child’s school
  • How to build your child’s self-esteem with a strengths-based approach
  • Effective self-care practices
  • Improved family problem-solving

You’ll enjoy…

  • Videos, audio, PDF handouts & worksheets in easy-to-access bite-sized modules
  • Weekly handouts and lifetime access to course information
  • Access to a private Facebook forum exclusive to the group
  • A parenting ADHD Action Plan e-work book
  • Less stress & more parenting confidence
  • Weekly online group Zoom calls
  • Connecting with other ADHD parents

Your Instructor

Vivian Dunstan
Vivian Dunstan

Hi, I’m Vivian - Founder & CEO of ADHD Support Australia, facilitator of the Parenting Children with ADHD Course since 2015, ADDCA trained ADHD Coach, certified PEERS Social Skills for Young Adults/Teens program provider, qualified teacher, Certified Tech Addiction & Digital Health Educator (NIDHW), facilitator of the Digital Parenting Program, certified NeuroACT for teens and adults program, mentor & most importantly, an experienced ADHD mum!

I’m an ADHD parent (with an ADHD diagnosis myself) and I’ve navigated my way through all aspects of raising a daughter with ADHD (& much more), into a healthy, beautiful adult human. She is now a young adult with ADHD and our journey continues to evolve.

I created a local support group in Sydney, Australia offering support and education to parents of children with ADHD, after my daughter's diagnosis. Since 2013, when I founded the group, my passion has been supporting others on the same journey, using the benefit of the knowledge I’ve picked up along the way.

I've organised an expert ADHD speaker nearly every month since (now online) with recordings of past talks available on Patreon. With the aim of reaching and serving as many ADHD families as possible, wherever they may be, I created the Online Parenting Children with ADHD Course and the Digital Parenting Program. I hope that it will be of value to you in helping you navigate your journey with ADHD!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start?
The course is run four times a year during school term times and each course lasts for six weeks! Check the website for updates on when the next course is starting at
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Are refunds available if I'm not happy with the course?
If you're not happy with the course within two weeks of enrolling then we are happy to offer a full refund!
I am a parent of a teenager. Is this course only for parents with young kids?
Not at all! This course is suitable for parents of all children from pre-school to high school!

Get started now!