About ADHD Support Australia
ADHD Australia have been holding monthly expert speaker evenings on Sydney’s Northern Beaches since 2013. Since April 2020 these expert talks have been held online.
We pride ourselves in bringing you the most experienced and innovative professionals for you to learn from.
From psychological and behavioural therapies to practical strategies to holistic modalities we’ve got you covered.
Some of our past topics have included:
- Social skills
- Parenting strategies
- Homework/Study skills
- Working with your school
- Time management
- Anxiety/Depression
- Speech & Language Disorders
- Medications
- Sensory Processing
- Gut Health
- Environmental Medicine
- Nutrition
- Adjusting Structural Imbalances
- Identifying Food Sensitivities
- Improving Mitochondrial Function
- Epigenetics
- Adult relationships
You can check out all our current speakers here.
Parents/carers of children or teenagers with ADHD, teenagers or adults with ADHD, teachers, those who works in the ADHD field or with with a general interest in a particular speaker are all welcome.
A lack of local ADHD support saw parents travelling from as far away as Wollongong, Western Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast to attend our in-person speaker events, but following covid restrictions in 2020 the talks are now online!
To support those of you who simply can’t attend the online talk live, I’ve created a membership site on Patreon where members can watch recordings of past expert speaker talks and view the slides from their presentations as well as having the option of attending the live talk. Also available on Patreon is a group parent coaching option.
Also on offer is:
6-week Online Parenting Children with ADHD Course
6-week Online Digital Parenting Program
14-week Online PEERS Social Skills for Teens & Young Adults Program
4-week Online PEERS Dating Skills Intensive
12-week Online NeuroACT Stress Reduction & Mindfulness for Teens & Adults Program
Join our newsletter to be kept up-to-date on new developments, ADHD news and receive slides from our speaker events.
Our online Facebook community allows you to access support from others anywhere, anytime. This fantastic brains trust will always be there to help you out when you need a friendly ear.
Find the ADHD professionals, services & resources you’re looking for in our comprehensive ADHD Directory.
Check out our upcoming events here.
Why we're different
ADHD Support Australia is open-minded, non-judgmental and forward thinking – whatever path you choose to navigate, we’re here to support you.
We believe in providing information on all approaches and allowing individuals to make up their own minds accordingly.
We believe with strong, healthy foundations in place, any strategies for managing ADHD will be much more successful.
Optimising brain function by enhancing overall well-being and exploring any factors that could be causing challenging behaviours, mood problems, focus & attention just makes sense.
An ADHD diagnosis comes with so many variables meaning it can be difficult to know how to navigate to the root of your problems.
We’re here to help guide you through that maze.
Who are we?
ADHD Support Australia is a social enterprise created by ADHD parent and woman with ADHD – Vivian Dunstan.
Our mission
To support and empower you to live your best life with ADHD.
Our vision …
To build a thriving online community to enhance your life outcomes via support, guidance and information at whatever stage you’re at, whatever your circumstances and wherever you are in the world.
Our values …
Are at the core of everything we do.
- Compassion & Understanding
- Integrity & Authenticity
- Questioning & Learning